You’ve heard me use the phrase “colonize the internet”. Just what does that mean?

Everything in its own time.

As long as man has been intelligent, he has sought to explain his existence. Many points of view have been put forth.
We went from “what are stars” and “is the world flat” to “is there life in space”. We became industrialized to now the computer revolution. Our inquisitiveness led to flight where we first experienced real freedom. We pondered just how far could we really go. Does man have limitations? Can we do anything we think of? How about fly to the stars?

Well, we proved that possible. We conquered space travel. Next came the ocean,  we seem to have conquered inner space, turning the oceans into farms.  These achievements were pursued at the same time others were interested in “why are we here”. Of all of the celestial bodies we can see, is this one (earth) really the only one with intelligent life? If so, why this one? Is there a point to our existence? Are we intended to occupy this earth and develop? Will our accidents and mistakes prevent us from realizing our true purpose? What purpose?

Many of us are religious beings. Our guide is the bible. We govern our lives by the inspiration contained in it. We observed the creation of man and the addition of his counterpart-woman. We believe in the first sin and the punishment that followed.  I’m sure you can fill in many details.

What happens when children do something wrong? They are punished. Their punishment usually fits the wrongdoing. Later when the punishment is over, they are back in the good graces of the parents.  Man sinned and had to be punished. He was expelled from the garden and would no longer be near the tree of life. He was ordered to toil and bare fruit in pain. His descendants would also suffer the same fate.  Perhaps it was a just punishment, but for how long?  Will man suffer forever? I believe not.  So how does man redeem himself and return to the garden and again be in the presence of the tree of life?
Through the years we have put fourth many possible paths to redemption. (Can you name some?) In doing so we have settled on those that fit our existence. I believe man is destined to get past this period of punishment.  All mankind, whether black, white, American. Russian, oriental, African or European, came from that first man. His seed was spread to the four corners of the world.  But no matter who you are, you have a little part of that first man.  Our task is to put that man back together.

The Internet

Along this path of punishment and redemption, we have come to the computer age. The computer age has produced the Internet age.  There are many experts that believe we have just begun to understand the potential of this new age. They say that its potential is in its infancy and no one knows what it will eventually leave as its legacy.

Consider this possibility. Many people fear-using computers. They will not give out personal information on the computer or shop on the Internet. Some will not use ATM machines. These people fail to realize that all of their information has already been entered into a computer somewhere. All businesses use computers so if you do anything, shop anywhere, live anywhere, or work anywhere; your personal information has been entered into a computer.

We now use computers as databases for collecting all of the knowledge of civilization. We store facts and events of today. We probe our past and store our findings in a database somewhere. Many of these databases are connected through networks. The larger the network the more bits of knowledge and information it can contain to be analyzed and extrapolated.  The internet is destined to become the ultimate network. It will produce the ultimate database. One day that network will be able to link all of those computers and databases. At that time everything that man has done, thought or feared will be analyzed and extrapolated. The pros and cons of our actions, beliefs and existence will be there for examination. This network will be able to search the database and determine the best solutions, decisions and beliefs for the whole of humanity. These determinations will depend on the accuracy of its principles.
The redemption of man requires the re-birth of Adam. His seed has populated the whole earth. Some have been purified. Others continue to suffer and decay, then await the new combination of events and elements to produce a possible solution.  Every individual is unique because of the special part they possess of that first man.

